Legal Dispositions

Business Information
Happy Porto Soc. Unip. Lda
Registered Address:
Rua de Miragaia 177,
4050-388 Porto Portugal
Tax Number/NIPC: 513141286

How to Contact us
Postal Address:
        Happy Porto Sociedade Unipessoal Limitada
        Rua de Miragaia 177, 4050-388 Porto Portugal
Telephone: + 351 967 299 974

Accommodation Registration (“Alojamento Local”)

Happy Porto Hostel & Apartments
28500/AL  43597/AL 126961/AL

Methods of PaymentAccommodation Registration (“Alojamento Local”)
We accept cash, debit and credit cards, MBWay, PayPal and IBAN bank transfers.

There is a ATM/ cash machine near the hostel for withdraws. 

Intellectual Property Rights
Happy Porto Hostel Apartments Villas ®  and Happy Hostel Apartments Villas ® are trademarks protected by Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual (Marca Nacional nº 589518, 583621 and 40705). 

Complaints and Resolution Support
We are here to help. You may contact us over email and let us know about your complaint.We are open to resolve any issue that may arise. This is our e-mail
You can also use the Complaints Book

Entities to Support Conflict Mediation and Resolution
Em case of conflict, consumer can contact an Entity to support the resolution of conflict.

CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Campus de Campolide

Centro de Informação de Consumo e Arbitragem do Porto

Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Loja 6
4050-225 Porto

More Help

credit cards cash debit methods of payment


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× Olá, I'm Manuel!